Jacob's birthday was April 15. Throughout my pregnancy I was very worried about his birthday getting lost in the shuffle. My brother and his wife had the idea that they could come over on Jacob's birthday and help us celebrate. I knew my mom would be in town that day, and so we decided to make it a party; I called everyone the night before to let them know that we were going to do a low-key birthday party for Jacob.
We gave Jacob this cool desk that my mom and I found at Target where he can "cogor" (color). He also got a Sit-n-Spin from Grandmother and a bubbles mower from Matthew and this thing called an Aquadoodle from my parents. Here are some pics from the party.

The Edomms

Papa, Grandma Rose, and the grandkids

Jacob opens gifts

Jacob and Grandmother

Jacob enjoys Tia's brownie with icing
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