Jacob Finally Says "Mama"
Brian has been working with Jacob on saying "Mama." It only took a few days of working on it on the way to school and on the way home from school before he got it. I don't think he has quite made the association that I am Mama, but it's only a matter of time. This morning I asked him to say it, and he just looked at me with this funny smile. Cute! He also surprised me and said "shoes" as he reached for his shoes this morning. He'll be a total chatterbox in no time!
New Tricks
Jacob has started to do a few new tricks! It's so hard to keep up with them all when he's learning so fast!!
- Saturday night he started to say "Bye bye." We were out to eat, and he practiced about halfway home.
- He will point to my belly and say "baby." Then he usually gives the baby a kiss. The other night, he began to look for my belly button when I asked him if he could say hi to the baby. Of course, my belly button is huge right now. He was playfully hitting my belly button, and I said "boing," so then he started to say "boing."
- Elephant - When we ask him what an elephant says, he raises his arm above his head and squeals.
- Dinosaur - When we ask him what a dinosaur says, he roars (exactly like he does his lion).
- Cat - When we ask him what the cat says, he meows really weird. He starts off very low and slowly raises his voice to a squeal. We've been trying to get it on video.
- Frog - For this, he will bend down and pop back up and make a growling noise (for ribbit).
- Shark - This is my favorite! I think I mentioned in a previous blog that we sing the Jaws theme for a shark. So now Jacob will put his shark puppet on his hand and say "na na.....na na.....na na." It's funny because he's not singing it like we do; he just says it and walks towards you with the shark puppet on his hand before he attacks. We've attempted to video this twice, but have failed....miserably.
- Jacob likes for me to tell him he is stinky anytime I change his diaper. He gets upset if I am unable to wave my hand in front of my nose and say "stinky" throughout the entire diaper change. I think he learned this at daycare.
- And I think Jacob is starting the terrible twos. He has been in such a crummy mood the last few nights. He whines a lot and does not follow directions as well. I'm sure the worst is to come; I'm glad I'm already expecting another child.
- New Baby Note: We are supposed to find out the sex of the baby on December 1!!!!! I'm thinking more and more that it might be a boy. I've felt better about myself the last couple of days which makes me feel better entirely. I'll post those pictures as soon as I get them scanned!!
- Saturday night he started to say "Bye bye." We were out to eat, and he practiced about halfway home.
- He will point to my belly and say "baby." Then he usually gives the baby a kiss. The other night, he began to look for my belly button when I asked him if he could say hi to the baby. Of course, my belly button is huge right now. He was playfully hitting my belly button, and I said "boing," so then he started to say "boing."
- Elephant - When we ask him what an elephant says, he raises his arm above his head and squeals.
- Dinosaur - When we ask him what a dinosaur says, he roars (exactly like he does his lion).
- Cat - When we ask him what the cat says, he meows really weird. He starts off very low and slowly raises his voice to a squeal. We've been trying to get it on video.
- Frog - For this, he will bend down and pop back up and make a growling noise (for ribbit).
- Shark - This is my favorite! I think I mentioned in a previous blog that we sing the Jaws theme for a shark. So now Jacob will put his shark puppet on his hand and say "na na.....na na.....na na." It's funny because he's not singing it like we do; he just says it and walks towards you with the shark puppet on his hand before he attacks. We've attempted to video this twice, but have failed....miserably.
- Jacob likes for me to tell him he is stinky anytime I change his diaper. He gets upset if I am unable to wave my hand in front of my nose and say "stinky" throughout the entire diaper change. I think he learned this at daycare.
- And I think Jacob is starting the terrible twos. He has been in such a crummy mood the last few nights. He whines a lot and does not follow directions as well. I'm sure the worst is to come; I'm glad I'm already expecting another child.
- New Baby Note: We are supposed to find out the sex of the baby on December 1!!!!! I'm thinking more and more that it might be a boy. I've felt better about myself the last couple of days which makes me feel better entirely. I'll post those pictures as soon as I get them scanned!!
Recent Pictures
Here are some pictures we've taken recently. I was unable to post some of these because of the surprise party.
Big John, Mary Sue, Jacob, Carrie, Russell

Jacob, Carrie, Russell
Mary Sue, Jacob, Carrie, Big Papa

Playing keep away with Uncle Derek
at Art & Sandy's place

Passed out after our Kaufman visit
Big John, Mary Sue, Jacob, Carrie, Russell
Jacob, Carrie, Russell
Mary Sue, Jacob, Carrie, Big Papa
Playing keep away with Uncle Derek
at Art & Sandy's place
Passed out after our Kaufman visit
Great Night
Tonight was one of the best nights we've had in a while. I got home first and discovered an ant graveyard by our front door. Yes...an ant graveyard. We got 4 inches of rain last night, and I guess a lot of ants died. About a year ago we started noticing a few dead ants in another part of the house. Brian did a ton of research about ants, and he learned that ants will make little graveyards of the dead ants. Apparently our home is just perfect for this! And yes, we will be finding where the "chosen" ants are living and create our own little graveyard soon.
So I finally started cooking dinner, and Brian and Jacob got home. Brian messed with the ants, and Jacob hung out with me while I finished with dinner. Then we all sat down together. Brian and I talked about my work, and Jacob tried to take off his shirt. It was so funny to watch him. He could get one arm out, but he couldn't figure out how to get the shirt over his head.
Then we all took a walk together to get the mail. It is a perfect night tonight. The moon is full and the temperature is great! So we decided to walk around the neighborhood. Jacob wanted to hold my hand the entire time...at least until Brian decided he needed to venture out a little on his own. Then it became a chase Daddy game.
Then we played inside. Jacob has a shark puppet and a dragon puppet. He will chase us with the shark puppet when we sing the Jaws theme. Brian started to chase Jacob with the dragon puppet, so Jacob lost interest in his chasing game. Then Jacob impressed us both by practicing his hook 'em sign. That's right...he's a Texas fan! He's almost got it perfectly with his right hand. Jacob did not want to read books or listen to Brian sing a song tonight before bedtime, and he went down peacefully. So everyone was in a great mood and there were no time-outs or whining tonight. It was perfect!
So I finally started cooking dinner, and Brian and Jacob got home. Brian messed with the ants, and Jacob hung out with me while I finished with dinner. Then we all sat down together. Brian and I talked about my work, and Jacob tried to take off his shirt. It was so funny to watch him. He could get one arm out, but he couldn't figure out how to get the shirt over his head.
Then we all took a walk together to get the mail. It is a perfect night tonight. The moon is full and the temperature is great! So we decided to walk around the neighborhood. Jacob wanted to hold my hand the entire time...at least until Brian decided he needed to venture out a little on his own. Then it became a chase Daddy game.
Then we played inside. Jacob has a shark puppet and a dragon puppet. He will chase us with the shark puppet when we sing the Jaws theme. Brian started to chase Jacob with the dragon puppet, so Jacob lost interest in his chasing game. Then Jacob impressed us both by practicing his hook 'em sign. That's right...he's a Texas fan! He's almost got it perfectly with his right hand. Jacob did not want to read books or listen to Brian sing a song tonight before bedtime, and he went down peacefully. So everyone was in a great mood and there were no time-outs or whining tonight. It was perfect!
Jacob Says "No"
Jacob has finally learned how to say the word "no." It all started Sunday night around bedtime. As if saying it weren't bad enough, he also shakes his head and runs away. For instance, last night Brian was going to take him to Target. We had to change his diaper and clothes before he could go, and the diaper change was kind of a big deal (he had a horrible rash and needed some comforting when we were finished). So he and I played for about 10 minutes. Then I asked him if he wanted to put on his shirt and pants while I held them up. He was walking towards me, and then I guess it registered in his little brain what I was saying. He turned right around and started shaking his head and said "no, no, no." I have to admit that it is kind of cute right now, but I'm sure the best is yet to come.
Our weekend was so busy! My parents hosted a party for my grandmother's 80th birthday. It was a surprise for her, and we surprisingly pulled it off! The party was great! I'm sure Jacob learned his new trick from his older cousins at the party. I was pretty worthless on Sunday, and in a horrible mood yesterday. I'm never in a bad mood for the entire day. Let's just blame the crazy pregnant hormones. :)
Our weekend was so busy! My parents hosted a party for my grandmother's 80th birthday. It was a surprise for her, and we surprisingly pulled it off! The party was great! I'm sure Jacob learned his new trick from his older cousins at the party. I was pretty worthless on Sunday, and in a horrible mood yesterday. I'm never in a bad mood for the entire day. Let's just blame the crazy pregnant hormones. :)
The highlight of our weekend was visiting my grandparents in Kaufman. My grandmother is very sick, and my grandfather is deaf and blind. It is a very sad situation and you have to prepare yourself mentally before each visit. We went with Sarah, Derek, and Steve. Jacob loved it there! He ran around the house and waved and said "Hi" to everyone. We played outside for a little bit, and he kept checking in on the puppies. We got home last night and he was so happy to play with Brian and me. I kept asking him if he needed some tickles, and he would fall on me to get them. Then he would stand up and ask for more. It was super fun! I tried to cuddle with him to go to bed last night, but he did not want any of that. He was very restless with me, and he didn't cry when I put him in bed. I guess we've trained him well. It still makes me sad. I love our cuddle time!
I'll post pictures of the Kaufman trip tonight.
I'll post pictures of the Kaufman trip tonight.
Happy Halloween!
Jacob's school does an annual Parade of Costumes. It is so fun to see all of the kids dressed up. This year several parents were dressed up, too (not us). Jacob was the only shark! There were a few Care Bears, Bears, and Spidermen. Here are a few pictures from the parade.

After the parade we went to Granddaddy's house to see Granddaddy and Grandmother. Jacob was a little fussy because he loves to play outside after school. We did not have any time at all to do that yesterday. After visiting Granddaddy's, we went to Big Gaga's. Jacob helped pass out candy to a couple of kids. And, of course, he played with Oscar. Here are a few pics from those visits.
We watched the Great Pumpkin and fell asleep when we got home. He likes to look for the puppy in the movie (Snoopy).
The week was pretty uneventful. I did go to the doctor, but I was in and out in about 20 minutes. I had a sonogram to check in on the little one. We are supposed to find out the sex of the baby on December 1. I cannot wait!!!
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